Why are Leeks and Onions Bad for Dogs?

Why are leeks and onions bad for dogs?

Why are leeks and onions bad for dogs?

Leeks and onions belong to the Allium family of plants, which also includes garlic, chives, and shallots. Allium plants contain a compound called N-propyl disulfide, which can damage the red blood cells in dogs and cause a form of anemia known as Heinz body anemia.

This is because dogs lack certain enzymes that are necessary to digest and process these compounds, leading to the formation of oxidant compounds that damage the red blood cells.

This can lead to symptoms such as weakness, lethargy, pale gums, and shortness of breath. In severe cases, Heinz body anemia can be fatal. For this reason, it is important to avoid giving them to your dogs.

As a perfect alternative that is healthy and full of flavor, see what your dog thinks of Full Moon’s Chicken Jerky. I can honestly say it is my dog’s favorite treat!